Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ...

International Relations 0 for people who forget: the situation in ...

Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ... International Relations 0 for people who forget The situation in the Middle East Middle East war Palestine problem: Year Hussein - by McMahon agreement, Britain promised the Arabs nation-building in the Ottoman Empire. By year Saikusupiko secret agreement, between the international for the division of the Ottoman Turkey after the First World War arrangements (spoil draft). According to this Palestine, including Jerusalem was supposed to be placed under international control. Promise the construction of the Jewish state, British Foreign Minister Balfour is in Palestine after World War I by the year Balfour Declaration. Abandon the year the British Palestine Mandate, left to the United Nations. United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine Then, Israel's founding begins. Year Israel founding declaration and the first Middle East War broke out Year Egyptian President Nasser declared the nationalization of the Suez Canal, Israel is a military invasion to Egypt (Suez Crisis).

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