Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ...

- that divine 0 years - to the United States vs Iran entirely ...

Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ... - to divine the ~ 0 years to the United States vs Iran entirely confrontation [the Middle East] Ohno Motohiro (Member of the House of Councilors Middle East Committee, Visiting Research Fellow) [Summary] Excessive Israeli side of the policy of the United States has amplified the Middle East of confusion. Increasing tendency of isolation and helplessness of the Palestinians continues. Rice, of strengthening sanctions against Iran deadline welcomed to the entire surface of confrontation through sanctions and Iran. Also 0 years, the Middle East did not lead to stability. Although the influence of Islamic countries (IS) was setback, similarly to Kuwait invasion and subsequent chaos by 2.0 years of Iraq that have occurred in the time almost to the end of the Cold War, the international intervention in the Syrian civil war as well as the Yemen civil war, Trump rice divided and Iran hard-line policy of the Arab region due to excessive Israeli side of the policy by the presidential administration, has been amplified by such confrontation between the Gulf countries.

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