Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ...

Greek crisis as the Middle East problem | in the Middle East Islamic ...

Mr. Say Eddo Abbas Ara croaker (Iran Foreign Affairs Permanent ... Greek crisis as the Middle East problem Now the topic of the Greek debt crisis. [Debt Get out If you do not pay] and say German public opinion and the Merkel government, which is supported by it, to the left and right the word overturned the previous remarks, was Uttede to national referendum appealed to suddenly to top it off, refuse to negotiate proposed Greek Chipurasu administration, citizens will be rejected negotiations proposed by an overwhelming majority in response to that of. It is certainly interesting contrast. I want to see the decisive moment of the euro withdrawal, onlookers guts even such, international media also, we are focusing on the Greek away a moment the nasty news in the Middle East. Greek problem, can be thought of as being on the one [the Middle East problem. Of course, not the current Middle East issues in the narrow sense, but in the foundation, as a problem common to the Mediterranean east coast areas that have not been fully integrated into the modern international order after the Ottoman Empire collapsed, can be said to be the Middle East problem and Jitsuzuki.

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